Films about Artists

This website has been set up purely to give people an insight into how and why Artists of all disciplines make their work.

A Broader Perspective

This site works in conjunction with:
Art-School UK

Primarily we are interested in educating and informing people about how Art is made, in the hope that it will encourage them to make Art and to value their own efforts.

All content is free to access and can be used for any purpose on the understanding that the source is credited and it is not edited or used for the promotion of other goods and services.

Our Aims

The Artists we show are selected based on their artistic diversity and dedication to their practice.

We will include Artists working in similar disciplines with comparable outcomes if their approach to their work will add to people's understanding of how Art is made.

If you wish to be considered for inclusion, please bear in mind those principles. We can be contacted through the website.


"Some paint comes across directly onto the nervous system and other paint tells you the story in a long diatribe through the brain".
Francis Bacon.


"Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check."
M. C. Escher.


"The creative habit is like a drug. The particular obsession changes, but the excitement, the thrill of your creation lasts."
Henry Moore


"Egotism has to be obliterated, then the pot belongs to everybody, and everybody is a creator."
Bernard Leach


"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst."
Henri Cartier-Bresson


If you would like a film of your work to be included on this site, please get in touch by using the form below.

Get In Touch

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.


+44 07742931618

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